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Berthing Fees 2018 - 2019



It’s that time of year again! Berthing fees are due for 2018/201Fees are has follows: 


Adult Berth - due on 01/02/2018: £48

Junior Berth - due on 01/02/2018: £37


WebCollect is now available to take your payments. Please click on the Web Collect Button below to start payment. Payment by cash and cheque, although possible, incurs a large administrative overhead.




Membership fees for 2018 /2019 can now be paid on Web-collect. Fees have remained the same as last year and if you pay before the 31st March 2018 the following rates apply: Adult - £197; Family - £270: U21 - £41: U18 - £29: Adult Social -- £43: Family Social - £63. Fees can be paid annually or monthly by Direct Debit. Click on the Web- Collect button below to arrange payment.





Trailers in Dinghy Park.


You may have noticed that the bottom of the Lower Dinghy Park, which has become very overgrown and untidy over recent years and is now being cleared by the Works Party. Your Council has decided that this area should be brought back into use for berthing or possibly as an overspill carpark .


The area has become home to many road trailers and some launching trolleys and many of these carry no identification. It would therefore be very helpful if the owners of these trailers and trolleys could ensure that they are clearly labelled with a name and where appropriate boat and sail numbers.


Please ensure that you do this before the end of February so that March work parties can go about their work unhindered.


Trailers or trolleys which remain unidentified after this time may be offered for sale by auction or disposed of as appropriate.


Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Peter Finney


Club boat policy


The club now has a multitude of boats available to members which have proved invaluable in training new members and beginners. It is however proving increasingly more onerous to keep these boats in working order and insure them.


In order to provide some funds to help with this, from 1st April 2018, a policy will come into effect for club owned boats, a summary of which is below.


Use of club boats will be free to new members during their first membership cycle i.e. any time between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019. Preference for their use will be given to organised courses run by the club. Members should pay a fee for the use of club boats after the 31st March following initial membership.


Club boats should not normally be used at venues other than Elton Sailing Club unless for an event that they are being used to specifically represent the club eg WLYC 24 hour race.


Fees will be set at £5 for two and a half hours or less (half day) and £10 for a full day. These fees should be placed in an envelope provided with the date, time and person's name in the suggestion box in the foyer.


The objectives of this policy are to have boats available for new members and training, encourage existing members to purchase their own boat and provide some funds to help with running costs of club boats. The full policy will be found on the notice board and this will be reviewed before April 2019 to see if it these objectives are being met. 


Dave Read

Vice Commodore















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